What services does digital marketing cover?

Digital marketing encompasses a variety of services. Among them:

Search engine optimization (SEO): It is the activities carried out to ensure that the product or service appears at the top of the search engines.
Social media marketing: Using social media platforms to communicate with customers and promote products or services.
Email marketing: Send newsletters or promotions via email to communicate one-on-one with customers and promote products or services
Content marketing: Used to create and publish informative content about products or services.
Advertising: Promoting products or services using tools such as online advertisements (banners, pop-ups, video advertisements).
Analytics: Data collection and analysis to measure the impact of digital marketing activities and create a more effective strategy.
Affiliate marketing: Using affiliates, such as other sites or blogs, to promote products or services.
E-commerce: The sale of products or services online.
Mobile Marketing: To carry out digital marketing activities using mobile devices.
Influencer marketing: Promoting products or services with the use of famous or influential people.

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