Google-supported meta tags and their properties

Google supports many meta tags and attributes to help websites display better in search engine results pages (SERPs). These meta tags and attributes can help websites better understand their content and show more accurate results. Here are some important meta tags and features that Google supports:

Title tag: The most important meta tag of any web page. Determines the title text that appears on search results pages.

Description tag: This tag contains a brief summary of the web page and specifies the description text that appears on search results pages.

Robots tag: This tag determines whether search engines can crawl the web page.

Canonical tag: This tag is used to avoid duplication of similar or identical content on the website.

Hreflang tag: This tag is used on websites that have the same page in different languages or regional versions. markup: This is a structured data markup that helps search engines better understand the content on the web page. These markups can be used for products, local businesses, recipes and more.

Open Graph tag: This tag sets the metadata for social media posts like images, title, and description that are displayed when your website is shared.

Twitter Card hashtag: This tag helps you better display your posts on Twitter. It can be used for title, description, image and many more features.

By using these meta tags and attributes, you can improve your website’s appearance in search results and help search engines better understand your website.

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