On which platforms are meta ads shown?

Facebook meta ads can show on different platforms. Here are some platforms and ad types:

Facebook News Feed: Meta ads can run as ad posts that users see on their Facebook homepage.

Facebook Stories: Meta ads can be viewed on users’ Facebook Stories. The story format stands out by offering full-screen and ephemeral content.

Instagram News Feed: Meta ads can also be published on the Instagram platform owned by Facebook. Users can see these ads as ad posts on their Instagram homepage.

Instagram Stories: Instagram Stories is a platform that offers short-term and full-screen content. Meta ads can also be displayed on Instagram Stories.

Instagram Reels: Meta ads can also be published on Instagram’s video sharing platform, Reels. Users may see these ads while watching Reels videos.

Audience Network: Audience Network is an ad network that allows Facebook ads to be displayed on non-Facebook apps. Meta ads can also be displayed in different mobile applications over this network.

These platforms are examples, but not limited to, where meta ads are served. Popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer ample potential for meta ads to engage your audience. However, when determining your advertising strategy, it is important to consider the behaviors and preferences of your target audience.

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