What should we pay attention to when adding photos to websites?

Here are some points to consider when adding photos to websites:

File size: Large photos can cause slow web page loading. Therefore, the file sizes of the photos should be kept as small as possible.
Format: JPEG format is the most suitable format for websites. PNG and GIF formats can also be used, but file sizes can be larger.
Quality: The quality of photos is important, but high-quality photos can also have large file sizes. Low-size photos can also be of poor quality. Therefore, the right balance should be found and high-quality photos should be used whenever possible.
SEO compliance: Having photos SEO compatible can increase your website’s ranking in search engine results. File names and description fields of photos should be optimized to include keywords.
Responsive design: Websites are viewed on different devices and screen sizes. For this reason, it is important that the photos are suitable for responsive design and compatible with different screen sizes.
Usage rights: Attention should be paid to the usage rights of the photographs. Permission must be obtained for the use of photographs belonging to another person or organization. Otherwise, it may be copyright infringement.
Matching with the content: It is important that the photos are compatible with the content of the website. The subject, color and style of the photos should be in accordance with the general theme of the website.

By paying attention to these tips, you can add photos to your website and improve the quality of your website.

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